- nicotine replacement therapy at great prices!
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Nicorette Gums
Nicorette 4mg x 16 packs (Carton)
Nicorette 4mg x 16 packs (Carton)
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Original price: $458.71
Our price: $376.04
You save: $82.67 (18%)
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Nicorette Gum
Classic (Original)
Icy Mint
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Price includes FREE EMS COURIER airmail delivery to the USA and Canada ( modest additional charges elsewhere)
SIXTEEN x 105 pcs (1680 pcs) Nicorette 4mg Gum (Extra Strength). in a shipping carton. Available in Classic (Original) and ICY Mint flavors. Please make your flavour choice from the dropdown menu above.
Why does this Nicorette packet look different from the Nicorette packet in my local store?
Nicorette was originally developed in Sweden to assist submariners who were smokers manage their nicotine intake/addiction when they were unable to smoke cigarettes. The possibilities as a nicotine replacement mechanism to help smokers control and reduce their nicotine intake (whilst also avoiding the major harmful effects associated with the byproducts from burning a cigarette) were obvious. Pharmacia AB, the Swedish drug company who own Nicorette, licensed the rights for Nicorette to GSK in the US. GSK markets their formulation (and the cirtus flavor variation) within the US and uses different packaging. We supply the original Nicorette - and in over 4 years of supplying this to the US have yet to have a single complaint about taste or effectiveness difference as compared to GSK's version of Nicorette.
We recommend Regular Strength 2mg gum if you are smoking less than 20 cigarettes a day. Nicorette Gum gives you active control over your dosing schedule.
Nicorette Gum supplies less nicotine than a cigarette (approximately one third the amount) and using gum instead of smoking means you avoid the harmful physical (irritation) and chemical (eg tars, carbon monoxide) effects associated with smoking.
You do not need to chew the same number of gum pieces as the number of cigarettes you used to smoke. You can use the gum on a regular basis throughout the day (say, every hour or so) or you can use the gum when you feel you need to. If you are using the gum regularly through the day we recommend that you do not exceed a maximum usage of 24 pieces per day.
Correct chewing technique is important this is not a normal chewing gum:
Chew until a strong taste or slight tingling sensation is felt (~ a minute)
Stop chewing and place the gum between cheek and gum
When the tingling has almost gone, start to chew again
Each gum of gum should be chewed for about 30 minutes.
We suggest you consider using Nicorette gum regularly for at least 3 months. After this time, you can gradually begin to reduce the amount you are using and when down to only 1 or 2 pieces a day, you can stop (although you may wish to have some gum on hand in case you face any particularly tempting situation).
Some people find the lure of cigarettes so strong that they end up maintaining themselves on the gum. This harm-reduction approach has it's merits (it's inherently safer than smoking), but we recommend that if you are using this product longer than 6 months that you seek your doctor's advice.
Do NOT use if:
you are continuing to smoke! ( this may lead to nicotine overdosage)
you are pregnant or breastfeeding, unless on the advice of your doctor
you are a child
you suffer from active oesophagitis, inflammation of the mouth or pharynx, or gastric or peptic ulcers.
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